A Piece of Peace

A Piece of Peace

By Monisha Rastogi


A day in a calendar

Marked as World Peace Day,

And we would celebrate it

By writing rhymes as I do,

Or by posting pics like many others do.

But have we ever wondered

Why peace has become a commodity?

Why is it so difficult to attain?

Why so fragile and short-lived ?

And why its not spread all around like air?

Because Man has lost his peace of mind…

And when the mind is not at peace

Peace will always remain in pieces !!!


No peace at home to sip a cup of tea at leisure,

No peace at workplace to concentrate,

Running from home to office

With millions of ideas and to-do list in the mind …

And then to cope with  the traffic

With pollution and corruption snaring from all around;

The ailments in the family,

The mood swings of children,

The race to compete with colleagues,

The tough competition,

The ambition to excel,

Desire to attain ..some name and some fame…

All together ruin the peace within

And we turn for  some miracle cure

Without realising it’s just within.

Unemployment that stares

At the educated youth

Robs him of his peace for long!

That desire to earn

That wish to feel wanted

That dream to be accepted

Fades in front of his eyes

And peace becomes just a 5 letter word …

Heard and studied some time.

Power and pelf to your left,

And poverty to your  right,

And we expect to remain at peace

With such absurdities in life.

Then comes politics

That snatches the leftover piece of peace

And broken  strings of harmony

Begin to bleat.

Let the oars of our turbulent mind,

Be put to rest for some time,

And let’s endeavour together

To spread and be surrounded

With peace at all times…

May peace prevail within us

And all around us

And  may the world become a brighter place

Without any sort of negative trace.

The author is a Teacher at Navy Children School in Goa and a blogger by choice.

About The Author

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